Overseas human resources support business
Building bridges with ambitious young people overseas
POH (Premium Overseas Human) service supports the activities of overseas human resources
The number of companies that employ overseas human resources, such as technical intern trainees and specific skill qualifications, is increasing year by year. Based on the specific skill system, the POH service proposes overseas human resources who have a high level of Japanese proficiency and are willing to work in Japan for the long term, and solve problems such as labor shortages at companies.
Overseas human resources support business "specific skilled human resources"

of overseas workersOur company is a one-stop consignment of recruitment and related work after acceptanceCorrespondence
14 fields (manufacturing, nursing care, eating out, lodging, car maintenance, etc.)
Registered support organization notified (specific skill registration support organization number: 19-000395)
Japanese language education with an emphasis on improving communication skills
Under the supervision of Professor Satoshi Miyazaki of the Waseda University Graduate School of Japanese Language Education, we focus on improving communication skills (listening and speaking skills) through OJT, based on our many years of experience and cooperation with Japanese language schools in various parts of Asia. I developed my own "MJ method".
With this Japanese language education method as "J-HOL", we have enriched the contents that can surely learn Japanese language education in a short period of time, including the e-learning material "Kanna goes!"

Professor Satoshi Miyazaki

e-learning material "Kanna goes!"
Japanese language study program "J-HOL" where N4 can be acquired at the time of entry
■Independently developed online Japanese language learning tool “Kanna goes! ], Achieved “Passed N4 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test” when entering Japan.
■ Through e-learning and face-to-face follow-up by professional Japanese instructors, Japanese language proficiency is improved in a short period of time.

Example from before entry to work
Seamlessly handle changes in status of residence after entering Japan
pre-entry education
6 months
technical training
1 year
Specified skill
5 years
Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for life in Japan.
Studied Japanese and took and passed the Specified Skills Test. (provided teaching materials)
It is possible to work for 5 years in 14 specific skill industry fields. Develop human resources who can speak Japanese and improve the retention rate.
We support Japanese language learning before entering Japan, work on training, and propose human resources who can be active immediately after arriving in Japan
We provide recruitment, Japanese language education, and life support for overseas, especially in Asian countries. Enter the country with an understanding of how to work at a Japanese company and the customs.
By providing thorough daily support after arriving in Japan, we have earned the trust of many companies.
We take pride in our over 16 years of experience in supporting overseas human resources as one of our strengths.
Appropriate status of residence allows flexibility to handle any job in various fields
We respond to the needs of our customers with a career-up plan that takes into consideration the status of residence of overseas human resources who wish to work in each industry and field.
Overseas human resources who can use practical Japanese that can be used in the workplace
In Japanese language education, we have developed our own online Japanese language learning program "J-HOL",
We develop human resources with high Japanese language proficiency by working on tasks according to each level before entering the country.